Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What Am I Doing?

So, it's now been almost 2 months since I started at my new job as Paralegal. Since I don't have much Paralegal work to do, I've been drafted into the billing department and the immigration department. As a Paralegal, I'm totally out of my comfort zone.

I was asked today to create a subpoena; an easy job if you've got all the right blank forms to fill in and the contact info of the person/company you're going to serve. I got most of it completed - was just waiting on the correct address to send the paperwork to. The attorney stopped by to check in and I told her how things were going and showed her the blanks that I used to create my documents. Come to find out, the blanks I used were wrong, and when I asked the "head" paralegal (only because she's been here the longest) for the correct forms, she stated that she does subpoenas in her sleep and that she would finish them. Guess I won't get to learn the proper way to do a subpoena.

As for another Paralegal task, I've got to respond to audit letters that come in for our clients. I ask the accouting department as well as the rest of the firm if anybody has been working the case I have to write the letter for. Once I get the info, I print out the letter for the attorney who is in charge of the case to review & sign it so I can mail it. Well, met with the 1 attorney who I seem to get all the requests from. It seems that, yet again, I've done everything wrong. I have 3 audit requests to complete for him, and I am still completely confused as to what the hell I'm supposed to do.

I was an office manager for 8 years - I don't think I'm cut out to be a Paralegal. At least not now - having no formal training, and all. Working in the billing department is going to be easy. I've reviewed bills for the past 8 years. Just a few additional steps here, but that's not a problem. For the work in the immigration department, I need some hand holding as well, at least until I really figure out what I'm doing. (We're backtracking databases, and of course, they won't talk to each other.) I'm essentially helping to rebuild the previous database, but have to go through all the files in the file room.

I am glad that I have a job, but damn, I need some teachers!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Finally, Work

Yesterday, at a break, I ran into the Billing Manager. I asked him if he had anything for me to do, and at that point, didn't. This morning, I met with him and the HR person, and now I've got work to do! It seems that one of the billing people will be leaving on Friday, and they asked me if I'd be interested in filling in on (at least) a temporary basis. So now, I get to read the Billing Manual and will have some semblance of "permanent" work. Guess you just need to talk to the right people and make your case known.

Thank goodness, because another 8 hours of sitting at my desk doing nothing would have killed me.

Monday, October 6, 2008

New Job

So, many of you know, my former law firm, Thompson, Rollins & Schwartz, LLC, dissolved at the end of August. I am now working as a Paralegal for Fisher & Phillips, LLP. I've been here 6 weeks, and still have a desk that is totally clutter free. Meaning - I have nothing to do.

Today, which you'd think would be a typical Monday with lots of stuff to do, I've been checking my emails, lurking on Facebook, and I've even signed up for Plurk. It's almost 4:45 and I've only done about 30 minutes of actual work.

I am happy to have a job, though. Maybe tomorrow will be busier. One can only hope.